Diammonium Phosphate

Product Description
Analysis: 18-46-0
Commonly known as DAP, Diammonium Phosphate is manufactured by reacting 1 mole of phosphoric acid (produced from mined phosphate rock) with 2 moles of ammonia; the resulting slurry is solidified into a granular form.
- Water soluble
- Varying shades of brown
- Provides a source of phosphorus in phosphate form, accompanied by a higher nitrogen content than MAP.
- Nitrogen is in ammonium form, which is readily-available for plant uptake.
- Higher solubility than MAP
- Produces a higher localized pH in the soil than MAP, which can hinder seed germination and nutrient uptake under certain soil conditions.
- Greater potential for nitrogen loss than MAP when surface-applied
Application methods:
- broadcast (surface-applied) or banded (adjacent to the seedbed)
- Used most commonly in blends with varying combinations of N, K and micronutrients
Available from various external sources, not stored at Agrico locations