Terminal Information
Last truck accepted 30 minutes before closing.
Site Policies
- A valid release number is required for pick-up. No trucks will not be loaded without one.
- Drivers must have their own Port Pass to enter the gates protecting the port area and gain entry to the terminal. Contact Hamilton Terminal to obtain the appropriate authorization for acquiring a Port Pass. New rules set out by the Port Authority state that the trucking companies are no longer able to do this for their drivers.
- The driver is responsible for ensuring the load weight is legal for their unit.
- Upon entering the facility, trucks should proceed to the scale or loading racks in order of arrival. The driver will provide Agrico with a valid release number and other information required to prepare their Bill of Lading.
- Trucks are not to stop or park on the train tracks at any time.
- Truck speed limit in the yard is 15 km per hour. When a vessel is being unloaded, trucks must drive no faster than 10 km in the yard as there is a lot more activity and people on the premises.
- Trucks must avoid crossing over the loading pads, unless they are getting loaded, as loader operators are unable to see trucks in the loading zone. Trucks must yield right of way to the loaders in the yard.
- Last truck accepted on the scale 30 minutes prior to closing.
- Without proper access or ladders, drivers will be asked to refrain from climbing up their trailers during loading and clean out.
Additional Policies for Dry Loading
- Trucks must be cleaned out prior to scaling in. We have provided a waste bin for drivers to use to clean their boxes. After cleaning out, drivers must put their leavings in the dumpster.
- Use CB Channel 8 to communicate with scale house.
- After receiving approval to load from the scale house, trucks will be directed to the designated area for loading. Once loaded, trucks come back on the scale to weigh out, facing the same way they did coming in.
- The driver is responsible for ensuring the load weight is legal for their unit.
- When confirmed by scale house, come to the office to receive your Bill of Lading.
- Our products are weather sensitive and may not be loaded during certain weather events.
Additional Policies for Liquid Loading
- Trucks must ensure that the loading rack/gangway is in the UP position before proceeding under the loading rack.
- Follow the green/red lights to ensure you are in the correct position.
- The driver will ensure that all valves are closed on their tanker prior to loading.
- Please ensure your hatch is open, ready to load.
- Use CB Channel 6 to communicate with the liquid office.
- The driver is responsible for ensuring the load weight is legal for their unit.
- Once loaded, Bill of Lading will be issued and green light will be given, signaling the truck is good to proceed from under the loading rack.
- It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure their hatches on the tanker are secured before leaving the site.
- Poly tanks will not be filled (they cannot be filled safely).
Personal Protective Equipment Required
- High visibility vest
- Steel-toed safety shoes
- Failure to comply with the safety requirements may result in banning from the site.